Monitoring and Managing Windows - Using Event Logs

4 important questions on Monitoring and Managing Windows - Using Event Logs

What are the 5 different Event log types provided by Event Vieuwer

Windows logs:
- System (Mostly OS information).
- Application (Mostly application information).
- Security (auditing information).
- Setup (Mostly update information).

Applications and Services logs:
- Contains many dozen of tabs for all the different apps and services running on the OS.
- More of a "Operational" log.

How is an event record build (7 properties)

- Log name
- Event ID (Not always unique)
- General Description
- Source
- Level (Critical, error, warning, information)
- Date/time
- Computer and/or user

Requirements to consolidate events from multiple computers

- Called an Event Subscription
- WinRM service required on all systems.
- Windows Event Collector service required on target (event collector).
- Target computer account required to be member of Event Log Readers group on source system.
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What are the 2 different kinds of Event Subscriptions

Push (Initiated from the source computer)
- Can be configured using GPO.
- Recommended when you expect to add new machines to the subscription over time.

Pull (Initiated from the collector computer)
- Recommended for a small, predetermined list of machines.

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