Managing Updates - Configuring Windows Updates Manually

5 important questions on Managing Updates - Configuring Windows Updates Manually

How to change the Windows update "schedule"

Go to Task Scheduler -> Task Scheduler Library -> Microsoft -> Windows -> UpdateOrchestrator -> Schedule Scans.

By default Windows will check for new updates every 22 hours.

What are Active Hours

- Windows won't restart during this period.
- Can be a windows of up to 18 hours.
- Windows can choose the Active Hours for you based on user activity.

What is a SSU (Servicing Stack Update)

A types of Windows update that updates and refreshes Windows update. They are nowadays part of cumulative updates and Windows handles the sequencing automatically.
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Difference between Central Source and Peer Source updates

Central Source, download all updates from a single source like Microsoft itself or a WSUS server.

Peer Source, download and provide updates from/to other Windows clients reachable in the network (LAN + Network).
Peer Sources can be adjusted with GPOs.

What is Delivery Optimization

Provides the option to have clients download and provide updates from/to other client. A client can request an update from another client in the reachable network if it does not have that update yet.

Is on by default.

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