Work-life balance/interaction - Article: The Work-Family Interface: A Retrospective Look at 20 Years of Research in JOHP

3 important questions on Work-life balance/interaction - Article: The Work-Family Interface: A Retrospective Look at 20 Years of Research in JOHP

Work and family research has grown because:

  • Demographic changes in the workforce
  • The increased likelihood that individuals face simultaneaous management of work and nonwork issues
  • Aging population
  • Onset of the global economy and technology changes

Longitudinal research designs:

Research in which there is repeated measurement of the same units of observation in such a manner that the units can be linked over time
(changes from multi-wave design where change cannot be measured)
Both are vulnerable to the effects of unmeasured third variables

Research in longitudinal studies:

  • Only strain-based FIW predicted stress and turnover intent
  • Strain based WIF is more a result of stress than the other way around

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