Work-life balance/interaction - Work-family interaction - Ways of dealing with work and family demands

3 important questions on Work-life balance/interaction - Work-family interaction - Ways of dealing with work and family demands

Individual coping strategies:

  • An individual’s cognitive and behavioural efforts to manage specific external and/or internal demands that are appraised as taxing or exceeding the resources of the person
    • Active:  problem-focused coping aiming to solve the stressful situation is beneficial in reducing both WFC and FWC
    • Emotion-focused: emotional regulation behavior brings higher WFC and avoidance-focused coping brings higher WFC and FWC.

Work-family coping strategy:

describe what people do/think when they face challenges in combining roles, and these can be divided into strategies that decrease demand and strategies that increase resource --> resource-increasing strategies seem to be beneficial

Work-family policies and culture:

Organizations can also support their employees in balancing work and family life, through policies and a supportive culture:
  • Formal work-family policies: cover leave and flexibility arrangements, and their availability varies across welfare regimes
  • Informal work-family culture: refers to shared assumptions, beliefs and values regarding the extent to which an organisation supports and values integration of work and family
    • managerial support
    • career consequences
    • organizational time demands

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