Work-life balance/interaction - Work-family interaction - Theoretical models of work-famliy

3 important questions on Work-life balance/interaction - Work-family interaction - Theoretical models of work-famliy

Antecedent-outcome models of work-family interaction

  • The basic principles of these models:
    • WFC and FWC coexist, just like WFE and FWE
      • the relation between enrichment and conflict is negative
    • These four dimensions are seen as mediators between work and family characteristics on one hand, and work-related, non-work related and overall stress and health consequences on the other hand
  • Family demands: increase WFC and FWC and decrease WFE and FWE
  • Work and family resources decrease WFC and FWC and increase WFE and FWE.
  • WFC and FWC decrease well-being in specific domains and overall life.
  • WFE and FWE increase well-being

Domain specificity principle:

work characteristics are primary antecedent factors generating the experiences of WFC and WFE, family characteristics are antecedent to FWC and FWE.

Finally, various individual characteristics are seen as both antecedents of the four dimensions of work-family interaction and as moderators of the links between work and family characteristics and the four dimensions of work-family interaction

Theory of work-family enrichment:

  • Considers mediating mechanisms in more detail and focuses on positive spillover
  • Affective path of enrichment, different resources, such as skills and perspectives, generated in the work (family) role, enhance first both high performance and positive affect in the work (family) role, which then enhances high performance in the family (work) role, and it is this improved performance that enhances mood and affects in the family (work) domain
  • The resources of the work (family) domain may also enhance the performance in the family (work) role directly, producing positive affect family (work) role, which is called instrumental path of enrichment.

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