Work-life balance/interaction - Work-family interaction - Work-family interaction: antecedents and outcomes

3 important questions on Work-life balance/interaction - Work-family interaction - Work-family interaction: antecedents and outcomes

Antecedents of work-family conflict:

Potential antecedents of work-family conflict can be divided into five categories:
  1. Role stressors
  2. Role involvement
  3. Social support
  4. Work/family characteristics
  5. Personality characteristics

Antecedents of work-family enrichment:

Enrichment is divided in:
  • Work-related
  • Family related
  • Individual resources
Current evidence supports the view that various resources at work (e.g. job autonomy) and in the family (e.g. spousal support) facilitate the enrichment process in the domains of work and family. In addition, of the personality characteristics, extraversion seems to be important in promoting the enrichment process

Outcomes of work-family conflict:

  • Substantial evidence was found among the scarce resource on satisfaction that affective reactions for WFE occur mostly in the work domain and for FWE in the family domain, rather than the other way around, thus again the crossdomain principle is not supported
  • WFE and FWE predicted increase in performance and that WFE predicted higher health in one study
  • WFE and engagement reciprocally influence each other and FWE has a longitudinal effect on marital satisfaction, and in another that women’s WFE predicted better health

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