Labor relations, fairness and negotiations - Article: The psychology of negotiation

4 important questions on Labor relations, fairness and negotiations - Article: The psychology of negotiation

Interdependency, power and control in negotiation:

  • Interdependency: parties depend on each other to acquire positive outcomes (they think they can improve from an agreement).
  • Interdependency determines the power of participants.
  • Power: the posibility to control and influence
    • Power and asymmetries influence negotiation processes and outcomes through their effects on the setting of aspirations and goals and on depth and deliberateness of information search and processing.

Constituencies and accountability in negotiaion:

  • Outcome accountability:
    • Representatives of larger groups of stakeholders are often accountable to their constituents, either for the outcomes they achieve or the process of making decisions
  • -> this can lead to a bias in thinking an decision making and process accoutability
  • process accountability: a hostile attitude towards the counterpart

Fuzzy situations and sense making in negotiation:

  • Negotiators face and manage fuzzy, ambiguous and messy situations
  • Through communication negotiators may receive information about their counterparts preferences and priorities.
  • But due to for example external influences, the information dilemma (exchange of information brings high joint gain but increases possibility of exploitation by others) accuracy and trustworthiness of this information may still be low
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Impression management and reputation concerns:

Impression and reputation concerns are important in negotiation

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