Vitality and occupational health - Job satisfaction, motivation and performance

6 important questions on Vitality and occupational health - Job satisfaction, motivation and performance

Two approaches t conceptualizing job satisfaction:

  • Global satisfaction:  focussing on workers overall attitude toward their jobs
  • Facet job satisfaction:  focussing on attitudes towards specific aspects of their jobs The Job Descriptive Index for example focuses on work tasks, supervision, co-workers, pay and promotional opportunities.

Dimensions of job performance:

  • Task performance: extent to which workers effectively engage in the job duties formally identified in their job description
  • Organizational citizenship behavior:  behaviours not formally included in the description that are nonetheless helpful to the organization as a whole or to individual people at work
  • Counterproductive work behavior:  behaviours that workers engage in for the purpose of harming their organization as a whole or individual people at work

4 opposing theoretical perspectives on the relationship between job satisfaction and task performance relation:

  1. Satisfaction causes performance
  2. Performance causing satisfaction
  3. Satisfaction-performance relation is bidirectional
  4. Satisfaction-performance relation is not causal
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Longitudinal research on the satisfaction-performance relation:

  • Given that experimental designs are impractical, the most rigorous design available to test the causal nature of the satisfaction-performance relation involves the use of longitudinal data, in which satisfaction and performance are measured on two or more occasions
  • The strength of longitudinal studies is that causes must come before their effects
  • The findings of longitudinal studies are inconsistent

Tests of the spuriousness hypothesis:

  • Even longitudinal studies provide less-than-perfect tests of causal relations, as they fail to control for third variables that might create a spurious relation between satisfaction and performance
  • This is a point for future research

What strengthens the relation between job satisfaction and job performance:

  • Reward contingency:
    • rewards closely match performance (when high)
    • relation has been found to be higher in high-reward contingency situation
  • Job complexity:
    • relation is usually stronger among workers employed in high-complexity jobs than among those employed in low-complexity jobs
  • Creative job demands:
    • High job satisfaction is more likely in creative jobs than in non-creative jobs
    • Such thinking is likely to contribute to effective performance
  • Interpersonal job demands:
    • Satisfaction and performance may be more strongly related to each other within jobs requiring more interpersonal interaction.
    • Stronger job satisfaction-performance relation for social jobs exists

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