Labor relations, fairness and negotiations - Organisational and procedural justice: a review of the literature and its implications for policing

3 important questions on Labor relations, fairness and negotiations - Organisational and procedural justice: a review of the literature and its implications for policing

Organizational justice and procedural justice:

are complementary concepts that relate to the way individuals make judgements about fairness and outcomes when considering interactions with other, although their focus (inward at organisation or outward between organisation and stakeholders) are different

Organizational justice is comprised out of:

  • Distributive justice: perceived fairness in distribution of outcomes (e.g. Pay)
  • Procedural justice: the extent that workplace procedures are perceived as being fair (free from bias)
  • Interpersonal justice: the perceived fairness of the interpersonal treatment an individual receives from managers and supervisors (politeness)
  • Informal justice: the adequacy of the information presented to describe and justify a decision and the quality of explanation

Two types of trust:

  • Affect-based trust:  the emotional investment that individuals make towards an authority
  • Cognition-based trust:  an individuals confidence in an authority that is based on the track record and reputation for dependability, reliability, fairness and professionalism

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