Labor relations, fairness and negotiations - Article: Negotiation Engineering: A Quantitative Problem-Solving Approach to Negotiation

3 important questions on Labor relations, fairness and negotiations - Article: Negotiation Engineering: A Quantitative Problem-Solving Approach to Negotiation

There are two approaches to negotiation:

  • Mathematical: game theory
  • Social science: Classic behavior theory of labor negotiations

Strengths of negotiation engineering:

+ The reduction of the problem to its formal structure through abstraction helps to reveal the core of the problem and provides understanding of underlying mechanisms
+ The formal description allows a mechanism for the solution to be defined without preimposing the outcome of the negotiated agreement.
+ The technical approach can lead to de-emotionalization of the problem

Limitations of negotiation engineering:

-Its orientation toward technical problem solving can be perceived as not strategic enough.
− The formalization is always a reduction, leaving out aspects, which can be controversial for the other party.
− There are limits to areas where negotiation engineering can be applied.

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