Job Analyses and Work Design - Current Theoretical Perspectives in Work Psychology - THE JOB DEMANDS-RESOUCES MODEL

5 important questions on Job Analyses and Work Design - Current Theoretical Perspectives in Work Psychology - THE JOB DEMANDS-RESOUCES MODEL

The Job-Demands-Resources model (JD-R):

  • Identifies 21 job demands and job resources as potential causes of burnout
  • Differentiates between exhaustion and disengagement from work as core dimensions of burnout
  • Broader scope than other models
  • flexible and can be tailored

Premise (1) of the Job-demands resources model:

  • Every occupation may have its own specific risk factors associated with stress (can be demands or resources)

Premise (2) of the Job-demands resources model:

  • Two different underlying psychological processes play a role in the development of health and motivation
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Premise (3) of the Job-demands resources model:

  • Job resources can buffer the impact of job demands in predicting health and motivation.

Limitations of the JD-R model:

  • The openness and flexibility comes at the cost of specificity and the quality of predictions and may cause ambiguity
  • The model lacks specificity in explaining why demands or resources exert their effects and on which target variable they do so

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