Work times and recovery from work - Article: shift work: consequences and management

5 important questions on Work times and recovery from work - Article: shift work: consequences and management

The problems with shift work are organized in three factors:

  1. Circadian factors
  2. Sleep factors
  3. Social/psychological/domestic factors

Clinical intolerance to shift work:

The existence and intensity of sleep alterations, persisting fatigue, changes in behavior, digestive troubles and use of sleeping pills

24-h average of circadian rhythms

the 24-h arithmetic averages of several circadian rhythms have been shown to alter in shift workers. Shift workers took longer to do their jobs than day-working counterparts. They also show less other claims. The 24-h arithmetic average of negative moods and fatigue are better for shift workers with high tolerance
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What are the psychosocial/psychological problems?

  • Disturbances and dysfunctions -> has impact on family life
  • More psychosomatic and psychoneurotic complaint
  • Depression, helplessness and stress

Counter measures for rhtyhm entertainment:

  • Shift systems: night shift alone or as a commponent of the two shift or three shift system is the worst.
    • Rapid rotation decreases desynchronization or the organization, of sleep patterns, and thus recovery occurs more rapidly
  • Direction of rotation: clockwise rotation was notices to be better tolerated by the shift workers
  • Naps
  • Bright light therapy to eliminate circadian maladjustment among night workers

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