Designing (online) talent management interventions - The Talent Development Centre as an Integrated Positive Psychological Leadership Development and Talent Analytics Framework

6 important questions on Designing (online) talent management interventions - The Talent Development Centre as an Integrated Positive Psychological Leadership Development and Talent Analytics Framework

Seven core principles for the delivery of a succesfull TDC:

  1. Ensure contextual development
  2. Work from a clearly defined capability matrix
  3. Deploy various methods of data gathering
  4. Construct a process and not an event
  5. Lead a data driven approach
  6. Follow a developmental, strength based approach
  7. Leverage the reach of technology

Work from a clearly defined capability matrix:

It is important to be clear on the totality of leadership attributes required within an organization when a TDC process is undertaken

Deploy various methods of data gathering

  • Appropriate assessment methods need to be selected or developed in order to accurately measure the sought behaviour
    • tests
    • simulations
    • interviews
    • post TDC development activities
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Construct a process and not an event:

A comprehensive flow is required. TDC comprises two layers of data, individual and group layer

Lead a data driven approach:

  • The maturation of Talent Management has rendered a data-driven approach as a pre-requisite in succession planning
    • Factorial validity
    • Internal consistency
    • Measurement invariance
    • Concurrent validity

Follow a developmental, strength-based approach:

is utilised to assist the leader in accelerating his/her potential and capability to effectively negotiate challenges; by enhancing and supporting individualised strength areas

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