Designing (online) talent management interventions

3 important questions on Designing (online) talent management interventions

What are the phases of implementing effective talent management strategies?

  1. Succession plan: Know your human capital --> 9 box review: individuals are discussed based on skills, abilities, competencies and readiness. This identifies HIPO's
  2. Assess and identify phase: conduct a behavioral psychometric assessment to identify and evaluate competency levels and learning needs for employees --> ensure maximization and efficiency of the workforce (develop leadership programs)
  3. (most critical): align development needs of potential leaders with those of the organizations goals and objectives (70 training exposure, 20 facilitated training, 10 self-directed learning)

Job Demands - Resources Theory:

  • Every job is characterized by a set of job demands and resources

Two objectives of a JD-R based organizational intervention (at different levels):

  • Optimizing personal resources
  • Adjusting demands and resources

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