Safety and behavioral risk management - Managing psychological risks in the workplace

5 important questions on Safety and behavioral risk management - Managing psychological risks in the workplace

Types of interventions to reduce or manage work stress:

  • Primary interventions:  longterm approaches that aim to eliminate, reduce or alter stressors at work
  • Secondary interventions:  aim to reduce or eliminate the effects of stress in employees who are showing signs of stress by modifying or changing their response to demands
  • Tertiary interventions:  focus on treating employees with serious stress-related health problems by providing professional medical treatment or psychological counselling to heal specific problems

Individual/organization interface-directed intervention:

Interventions within a team or department, tend to emphasize the interface between the individual and the organization, for example by clarifying roles or by increasing staff involvement and autonomy.

The dominant view is that work stress and its outcomes are more strongly related to work environment or job factors than to individual factors. Although, Kompier and Cooper (1999) assert that there are numerous reasons why stress interventions are predominantly individual and reactive:

  • Lack of senior management
  • Focus of professionals on the individual
  • inherent job stressors
  • absence of sound theoretical models of work stress
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There are three phases for occupational health and safety interventions:

  1. Development phase:  aims to produce knowledge that can be used to develop interventions
  2. Implementation phase:evaluates the intervention implementation process by systematically documenting the strategies implemented in order to produce changes
  3. Evaluation phase:  aims to demonstrate whether the intervention was successful in reducing the prevalence of adverse work factors and of illnesses

Psychological safety climate (PSC):

Performance of an organization in relation to the principles of stress management.

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