Designing (online) talent management interventions - Best-Practice Guidelines for Positive Psychological Intervention Research Design

4 important questions on Designing (online) talent management interventions - Best-Practice Guidelines for Positive Psychological Intervention Research Design

Challenges associated with the positive psychological interventions (PPI) design:

  1. Researchers must combat researcher bias
    1. pre-registration: describe, ahead of time, hypothesis, expectations, methods and data analysis
  2. Determine the sample size
  3. Correct implementation of a control group

What are the problems in PPI design?

  1. Intervention design
  2. Recruitment and retention participants
  3. Adoption
  4. Issues with intervention fidelity and implementation
  5. Efficacy or effectivity evaluation of PPI

Factors and impact on participants leaving or not participating contribute to a PPI's reduced:

  • Statistical power
  • premature closure
  • lack of generalisability
  • low replicability
  • Threaten external validity of interventions
  • Higher grades + faster learning
  • Never study anything twice
  • 100% sure, 100% understanding
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Intervention fidelity during employment

The extend to which the PPI is delivered and implemented as originally intended

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  • A unique study and practice tool
  • Never study anything twice again
  • Get the grades you hope for
  • 100% sure, 100% understanding
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