Safety and behavioral risk management - safety at work

4 important questions on Safety and behavioral risk management - safety at work

How to calculate the expected number of accidents A

Accidents = Propensity * Exposure

Classification of general failure types because of bad management decisions: GMT

  • Physical environment (design failures)
  • human behavior (lack of training)
  • management (lack of communication)
  • failures in maintenance

Five guidelines for creating a positive safety climate:

1.Make people believe in safety, and start at the top of your organization.
2.Send as the management team appropriate signals that safety matters.
3.Encourage discussion and documentation of errors that made within the company. They are free lessons to improve safety.
4.Examine all the levels in the organization when searching for solutions for problems. A lot of times, the cause of problems lies deeper in the organization, not at an individual worker.
5.Prepare people through training.
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Safety Citizenship Behavior (SBC) are things that employees can do besides their usual role to improve the safety for themselves and their colleagues. The different dimensions are:

1.Helping your colleagues to work more safe
2.Raise your voice. Speak out on safety matters.
3.Stewardship. So protecting others from risks.
4.Whistleblowing. So reporting safety violations.
5.Keeping informed by attending safety meetings etc.
6.Initiating safety-related change. So trying to improve safety procedures.

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