Vitality and occupational health - Sickness absence and sickness presence

7 important questions on Vitality and occupational health - Sickness absence and sickness presence

Frequency based absence approaches:

Measuring how often an employee reports sick (length is called a "spell")

Three main approaches of examining sickness:

  • General work stress models and sickness absence
  • Job strain and sickness absence
  • Burnout sickness

General work stress models and sickness absence:

Designed to account for the occurrence of a variety of stress related outcomes.
  • DCS: stress from high job demands, low control and low support
  • ERI: imbalance between work-related efforts and occupational rewards
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Job strain and sickness absence:

  • Sickness as a form of withdrawal behavior:
    • positive relation between job strain and sickness
  • Restorative function of absence:
    • negative relation between job strain and absence

Illness flexibility model:

assumes that although illness may result in loss of function, this does not imply workers are unable to work. Whether they will report sick depends on their opportunities to reduce or alter effort when feeling ill, and are thus flexibly in what they do when ill

Model of sickness presence and absence:

  • General health is an antecedent of sickness absence or presence:
    • Person-related demands for presence: boundarylesness and financial needs
    • Work-related demands: replaceability, resources etc.
      • negative: staying home
      • positive: going to work

Dynamic model of presenteeism and absenteeism:

  • Links health events to a workers decision to report sick, this consists of:
    • Context factors:
      • job demands
      • absence policy (organization)
      • Ease of replacement
    • Person factors:
      • Work attitudes
      • personality factors

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