Overview of WPD, PDC, and ACP
29 important questions on Overview of WPD, PDC, and ACP
Note on PDC - Divergent State Rules
Protected by ACP, PDC, or WPD? L's recollection of accounts given by 3rd party witnesses
- ACP - no. Only covers communications between L + C.
- PDC - Yes. information relating to the representation of a client.
- WPD - Maybe. See below.
V1 - FRCP 26(a)(3). L's recollection is not protected by WPD b/c it is not embodied in a document or other tangible form (i.e., computer file).
V2 - Common Law WPD (Hickman, US 1947). Requiring a L to report on an oral statement by a witness made to L tends to reveal L's mental processes and is therefore covered by WPD, even though L's recollection is not embodied in a document.
ACP Coverage: communications between L and C that are mixed business + legal advice? [2 views]
V2. Other Its take a strict approach and apply ACP only to "pure" legal advice.
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ACP + Prospective Clients
Does the PDC apply to publicly available information? 2 views.
V2. Some Its hold that the PDC applies even if there are other sources of the information.
When is the ACP implicated?
Distinguish: (A) Attorney-Client Privilege [ACP] v. Professional Duty of Confidentiality [PDC]
What information is protected by the PDC, but not the ACP
- through independent investigation rather than in communications with C
- through communications that were not for the purpose of obtaining legal advice
- non-confidential communications, such as conversations in which a stranger to the attorney-client relationship is present
When is the ACP applicable, but the PDC is not?
What does WPD protect
Does the PDC prohibit adverse use of confidential C information?
Does the ACP cover information communicated from C to L [for the purpose of obtaining legal advice]?
Does the ACP cover information communicated from L to C [for the purpose of providing legal advice]?
- V1 - Minority Rule (Traditional, Narrow ACP). ACP only covers communications from C to L, not communications from L to C.
- V2 - Majority Rule (Modern, Broader ACP). ACP covers communications in both directions: from C to L, and from L to C.
ACP - Duration: General Rule
As a matter of federal evidence law, if a communication is privileged, the ACP survives the death of C despite a compelling need for the information, even in the context of a criminal investigation
ACP Duration - Exception to the General Rule
ACP Element 1) Communication: Not Covered
- Information obtained by L via observation or investigation.
- C's identity, appearance, or information such as the type of car C was driving.
- Information learned from a non-client witness.
ACP Element 2) Privileged Persons - Includes
- L + C
- Agents of either L or C, who facilitate communications between the two (interpreters, translators).
- Agents of L who facilitate the representation of C (investigators, paralegals).
- Can include experts who are retained by L for the purpose of facilitating L's provision of legal services to C (accountants, economists). Idea is that they are necessary to the rep.
ACP Element 2) Privileged Persons - "Professional Capacity" Requirement
Identify ACP Element Implicated - Where L wears 2 hats (i.e., sits on BoD and another director consults him concerning business strategy, not legal advice).
Analysis: Is L acting within his "Professional Capacity"?
- The subjective belief of the person seeking advice (does he think he is consulting with L to obtain legal advice)
- The nature of the advice sought (business strategy v legal advice)
- The expectations of confidentiality surrounding the communication
When will communications between a prospective C and L be covered by the ACP?
THEN L will have an obligation not to disclose information learned from the prospective C [1.18(b)] AND the communication is covered by the ACP.
ACP - Element 3: In Confidence - General Rule
Element 3) In Confidence - Why must the communication remain confidential and not be disclosed by L or C
- L must exercise reasonable care to ensure that confidential information is not disclosed.
- Carelesness by L or C can waive the APC (waiver by inadvertent disclosure)
- If C intentionally shares the same information with people other than his L, a court is likely to conclude that C did not intend the communication with L to be confidential and that the ACP doesn't cover it.
Element 3) In Confidence - Issue Spotting
ACP Element 4) Purpose of Obtaining Legal Advice - General Rule
Element 4) Fork - the problem of in-house counsel (2 hats). Does the ACP apply when an entity-L gives some mixture of legal, strategic, and economic advice to a corporate constituent?
V2. (Narrow ACP). The communication must be related to pure legal advice in order for the ACP to apply.
The ACP + Underlying Facts
- C cannot be compelled to answer the question, "What did you say to your lawyer?" or "what did you write to your lawyer? However, C may not refuse to disclose a relevant fact within his knowledge merely because he incorporated a statement of the fact into a communication with his L.
Is it possible for only a portion of a communication to be privileged (i.e., cover letter covered by ACP, but not attached documents)?
When does the ACP cover facts?
2) In criminal cases, L may not be compelled to reveal factual information where the C would not be required to testify to those facts under the 5th Am.
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