Banking Industry: Structure and Competition - The Single Banking Market in Europe

7 important questions on Banking Industry: Structure and Competition - The Single Banking Market in Europe

What increased competitive pressure?

deregulation and globalization of international banking

What is the single banking market in europe?

They wanted to create an open bank service across national borders
Objective: any banking service provided in EU can establish an equivalent provision, or acquire another banking service across the EU
Goal: Improve welfare by promoting lower interest rates for loans and mortgages, higher interest rates on savings and deposits

Explain de first banking directive

• Integration of the banking market in the EU
--> Create a platform for cross border Eu banks to behave like domestic banks
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Explain the second banking directive

• Principle of home-country control or mutual recognition of regulatory authorities was installed
• Single banking passport
-> increased competition

Explain Own funds directive and Solvency ratio directive

Set common capital adequacy standards across EU to enable greater cross border activity

Explain financial service action plan

• Time frame creation single market in wholesale financial services, open retail banking
• Strengthen rules on prudential supervision

What is the European banking authority? What were the obstacles?

European bank regulatory agency, that oversees national regulatory agencies
• Objective: common set of regulations to avoid ‘regulatory arbitrage’
• Obstacles remain to full integration of EU banking markets (language, culture, home-bias for retail banking, differences in legal systems, tax treatment)

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