An Economic Analysis of Financial Structure - How Moral Hazard Influences Financial Structure in Debt Markets

4 important questions on An Economic Analysis of Financial Structure - How Moral Hazard Influences Financial Structure in Debt Markets

Why are debt contracts still subject to Moral Hazard?

Because debt only requires the borrowers to pay a fixed amount. They can keep any profits above. Can take higher risks.

How can we solve Moral Hazard in Debt Contracts?

• Net worth and collateral (take risks when lot of money)
• Monitoring and enforcement of restrictive covenants: (dis(en)courage (un)desirable behaviour, keep collateral value, provide information)
• Financial intermediation (banks kan make private loans, no free-rider problem)

Why developing countries experience low rates of economic growth?

Due to the fact that their financial system is under developed (= financial repression)
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How does financial repression happen?

  • Poor system of property rights
  • Poor legal system
  • Weak accounting standards
  • Government intervention through directed credit programs and state owned

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