Economic Analysis of Financial Regulation - Asymmetric Information and financial regulation

10 important questions on Economic Analysis of Financial Regulation - Asymmetric Information and financial regulation

Why is the government safety net created?

To look how the asymmetric information problem is resolved

What are the negative points of the government safety net?

• Moral Hazard
• Adverse Selection
• “Too big to fail”
• Financial Consolidation

What are the the two government safety nets?

1. Deposit insurance/payoff method: allow the bank to fail and pays off depositors up to the insurance limit
2. Purchase and assumption method (typically more costly): reorganization of the bank by finding a merger partner that assumes the bank’s failed liabilities so no depositor or creditor looses money
Other form of government safety net:
• Lending from the central bank to troubled institutions (lender of last resort)
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When does bank panic occur?

When a lot of banks fail at the same time.

What is a bank run?

When the depositors fear that they will not get all their money back so they withdraw all their money

What is necessary to guarantee the succes of deposit insurance? And what does it lead to when this doesn't happen?

- rule of law
- regulation and supervisions of the financial sector
if not: leads to less banking sector stability and a higher incidence of banking crises.

Why does there appear to be moral hazard with the government safety net?

  • Depositors do not impose discipline of marketplace (by withdrawing money when they think financial institutions are taking too much risk)
  • Financial institutions have an incentive to take on greater risk than otherwise

Why does there appear to be adverse selection?

• Risk-lovers find banking attractive
• Depositors have little reason to monitor financial institutions

What created a too big to fail problem?

The moral hazard created by a government safety net and the desire to prevent financial institutions failures where regulators don’t want to close down financial institutions, because Government provides guarantees of repayment to large uninsured creditors of the largest financial institutions even when they are not entitled to thisguarantee.

What is the financial consolidation?

That a lot of smaller banks merged. Larger banks were created

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