Radical Democracy after Mouffe
18 important questions on Radical Democracy after Mouffe
Mouffe posits an agonistic model of democracy as an alternative to which two models?
- the deliberative model (Habermas, Rawls)
What does the agonistic model of democracy revolve around?
What is central to Mouffe's conception of pluralist politics?
Rawls ideal society is a society from which politics has been eliminated.
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Rawls and Mouffe have different conceptions of what makes a conflict a political conflict, what's the difference?
Rawls: Ideas about how society ought to be structured, about what kinds of power relations are just or unjust, are by definition, connected to what Rawls and Callan would consider private convictions.
What is political conflict for Mouffe?
What should be done with private convictions and loyalties according to Mouffe? (and as opposed to Callan?)
Wherein lies the true danger according to Mouffe?
Drawing on social psychoanalysis, Mouffe argues that the desire by deliberative approaches to eliminate conflict (by excluding it from the realm of legitimate political deliberation) actually leads to more destructive antagonistic conflict.
[…] the prime task of democratic politics is not to eliminate passions from the sphere of the public, but to mobilize these passions towards democratic designs”
What don't deliberative theorists realize according to Mouffe?
The lack of agonistic channels for the expression of grievances tends to create the conditions for the emergence of antagonisms which, as recent events indicate, can take extreme forms and have disastrous consequences.
What do Laclau and Mouffe propose?
What is Mouffe referring to when she writes that the need for collective identifications must be taken seriously in revitilyzing the political?
Not to collective identifications on the basis of essential or essentializable identities such as race or gender.
What are collective identifications according to Mouffe?
What are political emotions according to Mouffe?
What should political education be like, according to Mouffe's first two critiques?
What are the moral register and the political register concerned with?
The moral register need not to recognize the dimension of power constitutive of those social relations.
Political register: concerned with the social order, with ways to organize a society in a particular place and at a particular time.
Addressing the political, for Mouffe, requires recognizing the hegemonic nature of every kind of social order and the fact that every society is the product of a series of practices attempting to establish order in a context of contingency. (p.274)
What if we cannot frame conflicts in political terms, as disagreements between political collectivities?
What is a political adversary from the point of view of agonistic pluralism?
What is the aim of democratic politics?
Instead of accepting the burdens of judgment (Callan) what does Mouffe propose?
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