The Kingdom of the Netherlands - The year of revolutions, 1848

6 important questions on The Kingdom of the Netherlands - The year of revolutions, 1848

Where King William I and II conservatives

Yes, they wanted to go back to the time before the French revolution. They had no interest in giving the citizens freedoms or influence

What was the revolution of 1848 about

About the people wanting more rights

Where did the revolution of 1848 start

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Who wrote the Dutch constitution of 1848

Rudolf Thorbecke

Which liberal reforms were introduced by the constitution of 1848?

Citizens received fundamental rights  such as the righ of association and assembly and freedom of education.

New laws would only be valid when they had been approved by the parliament.

Ministerial responsibilty was established

There were elections every four years for the members of the Lower House of Parliament

Why was there no real democracy established after the introduction of the new constitution

Only men paying a certain level of tax had the right to vote.

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