Imperialism - the conquest of Asia

10 important questions on Imperialism - the conquest of Asia

When did the Europeans come and what did they do?

in the 16th century , they builded trading posts and bought and sold there spices, coffee, tea and cotton

Which island as the only Indonesian who was trading with the VOC?


When was the VOC bankrupt and  by who?

in 1799 by the Dutch government
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What was the name of the archipelago of Indonesia after the dutch government took it over?

the Dutch East Indies, it was now part of the kingdom of the netherlands

What was in 1830 introduced?

the forced farming system

What is the forced farming system?

the dutch government wanted the dutch east indies to be lucrative, the people from the east indies needed to farm for the dutch governement so that the dutch make profit of it

What was not nice for the indian people?

they work for very less, 1/5 of the frming they needed to give to the dutch so there became a famine (hongersnood)

Who introduced the Agrain act and why?

the liberals, because they wanted to have equality and they wanted that business man have a opportunity in that country

Were consist the french Indochina of?

laos, cambodia and vietnam

Who constructed railways, roads, ports and plantations using labour and money from the colony ?

french ingeneers

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