The Kingdom of the Netherlands - The Netherlands receives his own king

8 important questions on The Kingdom of the Netherlands - The Netherlands receives his own king

Had the netherlands a king before 1848?

no they were a republic, the provinces only worked together when it really was neccesary

What happened during the french rule?

the netherlands got a constitution, this made our country with a state, government and parliament

What was appointed by the king

the nobility from the first room
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Who carried out the laws?

the king together with his administrators

King William 1 ruled  by himself, how was that called?

constitutional monarchy

How was King William I called

The merchant King because he invested a lot in the Dutch economy by improving its infrastructure. (He built canals, railroads)

Why did the Belgians want to be independent

They felt left behind, and they felt overtaxed

When did the Belgians become independent


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