Developing maximum performance tests

8 important questions on Developing maximum performance tests

A test is made with different objectives, which distinctions are made for determining the the objectives?

  • scientific, or practical purposes
  • individual, or group evaluation
  • description, diagnosis, and decision-making.

With the description, diagnosis, and decision-making distinction for different objectives of a test, what is meant by them?

  • description; test is used to describe performances
  • diagnosis; test is used to make a conclusion based on the test scores
  • decision-making; the conclusion based on the test scores is acted upon.

How do we call the specification of a construct that provides concrete guidelines on what items to write for a test?

a conceptual framework
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How is the conceptual framework for the construct of an achievement test decided?

by consulting the learning objectives necessary

How is the conceptual framework for the construct of an ability test decided?

it's decided by theory

Which item response modes are there?

  • free response mode; open question
  • choice response mode; multiple choice

What different administration modes for a test are there?

  • oral administration; test administrator asks questions to test taker
  • Paper and pencil administration
  • Computerized administration; all subjects are administered all items
  • Computerized adaptive administration; The computer sequentially selects the next item for a given subject, based on the ability of the test taker. last question answered correct; next item harder than last one.

What are the item writing guidelines?

  • Don’t ask two questions in one; Name the seminal book by Freud and by Watson.
  • Use independent item content; What is the square root of 9 times 10
  • Avoid items that deliberately deceive test takers; trick questions
  • Use three options, unless it is easy to write plausible distractors
  • Word the item positively, and avoid negatives; Which of the below is not an example of an observational study?
  • Use one option that is unambiguously the correct or best option
  • Avoid giving clues in the correct answer

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