France, England, Spain, and the New World in the Seventeenth Century

15 important questions on France, England, Spain, and the New World in the Seventeenth Century

What were the differences in national styles in the Baroque (comparing French, Italian, English, German, and Spanish)?

French style was more elegant and restrained than its Italian counterpart

In England, public concerts were more influential than the monarch

Germany followed Italy's tastes

Spain followed its own path

How did Louis XIV maintain power?

By using the arts as propaganda tools. He established royal academies of branches of the arts and sciences, including one for opera. He projected himself as Apollo, the "sun king"

Court ballet and Louis XIV's role in it

A distinctively French genre of dance, with several acts, staged with costumes and scenery. It involved professional dancers as well as members of the nobility.

Louis XIV earned a reputation as a superior dancer and performer in roles that reinforced him as the "sung king"
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Music of the Royal Chapel

One of 3 divisions of French court musicians. This division included singers, organists, and other instrumentalists who performed for religious services

Vingt-quatre violons du roi & Petits Violons

"24 violins of the king" and "small violin ensemble"

These were the model for the modern orchestra

Lully as conductor - how did he lay the foundation for future conductors?

He had a dictatorial style, enforced uniform bowing and coordinated use of ornaments.

Tragedie en musique or tragedie lyrique

These were the French versions of opera; consisted of 5 acts; included "divertissements" or diversions which were long interludes of dancing and choral singing

recitatif simple vs. recitative mesure

Simple recit followed the contours of spoken French, shifting duple and triple meters as necessary; measured recit were the songlike interruptions to simple recit.

Petit motet vs. grand motet

Petit motet was a sacred concerto for a few voices with continuo.

Grand motet was a multi-section work corresponding to the large-scale concertos of Gabrieli and Schutz

Who were the main composers of late 1600s motets?

Jean-Baptiste Lully
Marc-Antoine Charpentier
Michel-Richard de Lalande

French organ music of the late 1600s

Timbre became a compositional resource, and continued through French music like Berlioz and Debussy

Other national compositional traits leaked into the organ music of the time.

Style luthé (lute style) or style brisé (broken style)

Harpsichord composers picked up on lute players' habits of breaking up melodies

Elisabeth-Claude Jacquet de la Guerre


First recorded child prodigy in music. Best known for her two published collections of harpsichord pieces

8 types of styles in French baroque dance suites

1. Prelude
2. Allemande
3. Courante
4. Sarabande
5. Gigue
6. Rondeau
7. Gavotte
8. Minuet

La purpura de la rosa (The Blood of the Rose)

First opera produced in the New World in 1701 in Lima, Peru.

Music by Velasco to a libretto adapted from Hidalgo's first opera.

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