Romanticism in Classic Forms: Orchestral, Chamber, and Choral Music

12 important questions on Romanticism in Classic Forms: Orchestral, Chamber, and Choral Music

What were the 3 major developments in music in the early 19th century?

1. Growth of the public concert
2. Development of musical classics, first formed in choral music - oratorios of Handel and Haydn
3. Focus on creating music for orchestra, chamber ensemble, and chorus - because composers were aware that historical works for these ensembles were still being performed

3 major orchestras that formed in the 19th century

London Philharmonic
Vienna Philharmonic
New York Philharmonic

The number and size of orchestras increased in the 19th century

What 4 changes to wind instruments occurred in the 19th century?

Most woodwinds acquired elaborate key systems that allowed them to play faster and more in tune

More "obscure" instruments were occasionally used - piccolo, english horn, contrabassoon, bass clarinet

Horns and trumpets added valves which allowed them to play chromatic notes

Tubas appeared in orchestras in the 1830s
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Name two major Schubert symphonies

Unfinished Symphony Bminor
"Great" Symphony No. 9 in C major

What was original about Berlioz's Symphonie Fantastique?

Using a symphony for a narrative
Unifying a work through a recurring theme and thematic transformation
Use of an astonishing array of instrumental colors

Which symphony concludes with a movement based on Luther's "Ein feste Berg?"

Felix Mendelssohn's Symphony No. 5 ("Reformation," 1830)

What work did Paganini commission but refuse to play, and what are some unique traits of the work?

Berlioz's "Harold in Italy," 1832

- based on Lord Byron's poem "Childe Harold"; features a solo viola, but not as prominently as a concerto

Which symphony was based on impressions from a trip to the British Isles?

Felix Mendelssohn's Symphony No. 3 ("Scottish," 1842)

How many major symphonies did Schumann compose?


Which work is considered Schubert's chamber music masterwork and what is unique about it?

String Quintet in C Major (1828)

String quartet with an additional cello

All 5 instruments are treated equally and grouped in ever-changing ways

Who was responsible for the revival of Bach's music and when?

Mendelssohn in 1829, when he conducted the first performance of Bach's St. Matthew Passion since Bach's death

Mendelssohn composed two oratorios that became standards of choral repertoire? What were they?

Elijah and
St. Paul

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