Italy and Germany in the Late Seventeenth Century

7 important questions on Italy and Germany in the Late Seventeenth Century

Serenata and first composer of them

semi-dramatic piece, midway between cantata and opera, usually composed for a special occasion fo small orchestra and several singers.

Alessandro Stradella was one of the first composers of them

Two types of sonatas ca. 1660

Sonata da camera (chamber sonata)
Sonata da chiesa (church sonata)

What were the typical performing forces for Baroque orchestras?

First and second violins
Basso continuo
Sometimes bass viol doubled the cellos
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What were the four characteristics of the Italian Style at the end of the 1600s?

All genres shared some features...
1. Solo forms highlighted individual performance.
2. Variety of melodic styles used in both vocal and instrumental music
3. Forms based on pattern of establishing a key, departing, then returning 
4. Returning to opening material at the end of a movement

What period is considered a golden age of organ music in the Lutheran areas of Germany?

Between 1650 and 1750

What are the basic structural components of the fugue?

Exposition - set of entries of subject
Subject - begins on tonic
Answer - begins on dominant
Other voices alternate subject and answer,
then Cadence
Episodes - periods of free counterpoint between statements of the subject

Which Italian and French styles did German composers synthesize at the end of the 17th century that would lay the foundation for the extraordinary developments of the 18th?

Italy: opera, da capo aria, trio sonata, solo violin sonata, concerto
France: suites for keyboard and orchestra

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