Late Romanticism in Germany and Austria

10 important questions on Late Romanticism in Germany and Austria

By what date had a basic repertory of musical classics solidified?


What two composers symbolized polarized views with regard to the Classical genre in the late 1800s?

Brahms and Wagner

Who were the leaders of the "New German School?"

Wagner, Liszt, and Berlioz - even though the latter two were not Germans, they used Beethoven as their model
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Which composers sided with Wagner and Liszt in the "fight" between Brahms and Wagner?

Bruckner, Wolf, Richard Strauss

What was the "War of the Romantics"

Schism between prominent musicians in the second half of the 19th century - "traditionalists vs. progressives"

What are two most important Liszt choral works?

St. Elisabeth

What is Hugo Wolf best known for?

Adapted Wagner's methods to the German Lied

Which symphonic poem dramatizes Miguel de Cervantes's novel of 1605 by the same name?

Don Quixote - Strauss

Wilhelm Friedemann Bach

Second son of J. S. Bach - considered a genius improviser and organist, but died in poverty because of unstable income and employment

Which composer is generally regarded as the most important German composer before J. S. Bach?

Heinrich Schutz

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