Skill Repertoire Building Procedures - Prompting: What is a prompt? - Chaining Procedures

7 important questions on Skill Repertoire Building Procedures - Prompting: What is a prompt? - Chaining Procedures

What are 3 types of chaining procedures in skill repertoire building within ABA to teach complex skill sequences?

1) Forward chaining
2) Backward chaining
3) Total task presentation

Why are chaining procedures important?

While ABA is great for teaching single component skills, many of the skills we perform every day are complex, multi-step activities. Therefore, it is important to link multiple behaviors together to complete necessary tasks independently and successfully.

What is a behavior chain?

A complex behavior comprised of many single responses that occur in a specific sequence. The completion of one behavior acts as the SD for the next response. Behavior chains can be made for one skill (e.g., raise hand) or an entire routine (e.g., getting ready for lunch).
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What must be done before a behavior chain can be implemented?

We need to determine all of the steps involved in the skill in order to know what the learner must do and when to do it. We must perform a task analysis, which is when we clearly identify every step along the way that's required to complete that particular complex sequence. Then we can determine what skills the individual already has and what skills the learner needs and in what order we are going to start teaching those things.

What steps are involved in conducting a task analysis?

1) Identify all responses in a chain and arrange in order
2) Identify the SDs associated with each step of the behavior chain
3) Identify the initiating SD for the behavior chain
4) Identify the natural reinforcement that maintains the behavior in the environment

What is total task presentation?

A procedure used to simultaneously teach all of the steps of the behavior chain during each presentation of the learning task. The teacher provides prompts as needed throughout the sequence and will gradually fade these prompts.

What are some considerations for chaining?

The type of chaining procedure used will depend on:

- individual learner differences
- specific skill being taught
- additionally each learner should have an individually developed task analysis

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