Behavior Management: Behavior Reduction and Functional Behavior Assessments - Behavior Reduction: Antecedent Modifications

5 important questions on Behavior Management: Behavior Reduction and Functional Behavior Assessments - Behavior Reduction: Antecedent Modifications

What are 6 common antecedent interventions used in BIPs?

1) Non-contingent reinforcement (NCR)
2) Demand fading
3) Task modification
4) Behavior momentum
5) Functional Communication Training (FCT)
6) Environmental modifications

What are 2 primary ways that antecedents are manipulated to reduce and prevent challenging behaviors?

1) Removal or alteration of stimuli that contribute to the problem behavior
2) Provide reinforcement before that behavior occurs

Non-contingent reinforcement (NCR):

The delivery of functional reinforcers on a time-based schedule, independent of the problem behavior. In other words, delivery of reinforcement for free on an ongoing basis, regardless of the behavior that is occurring at that time. Can be used to address any function of behavior.
-  e.g., giving attention proactively to reduce attention seeking behaviors
- e.g., giving breaks proactively to reduce escape maintained behavior
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Behavior momentum or the High Probability Task Sequence:

Behavior momentum/high probability task sequence involves the presentation of several high probability demands followed by a low probability demand, increasing the likelihood that the low probability behavior will occur. The learner performs several easier or preferred tasks prior to to a more difficult task. It establishes momentum and allows the individual to access reinforcement for responding.

Functional Communication Training (FCT):

A procedure in which the individual is taught to use a form of communication that results in accessing the same reinforcement as the problem behavior. It involves prompting the individual to communicate an appropriate request (mand) during the antecedent situations prior to the behavior occurring.

- It is one of the most commonly used antecedent modifications to address problem behavior.
- Communication becomes the substitute for the problem behavior.
- Appropriate communication is reinforced, whereas the problem behavior is ignored.
- FCT is a type of DRA (Differential Reinforcement of an Alternative Behavior)

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