Skill Repertoire Building Procedures - Prompting: What is a prompt? - Prompting for Errorless Learning

12 important questions on Skill Repertoire Building Procedures - Prompting: What is a prompt? - Prompting for Errorless Learning

What are 2 procedures used for skill repertoire building through errorless learning?

1) Most-to-least prompting
2) Time delay procedures

What are 2 procedures used for skill repertoire building through error correction?

1) Least-to-most prompting
2) No-no-prompt repeat

What does errorless learning refer to?

It refers to a procedure used to teach a new skill involving the immediate prompting of the response during the initial teaching stages and the systematic removal of prompts to avoid errors.
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What does errorless learning promote, prevent, and avoid?

Errorless learning promotes immediate learning, prevents errors, and avoids confusion and frustration for the learner.

What is acquisition skill/target skill?

The response or new behavior that is currently being taught to the individual.

What is a prompt hierarchy?

A systematic arrangement of prompts used in a particular order to facilitate learning. It is usually arranged according to the level of strength of the prompt or the amount of support given to the learner.

What is the prompting hierarchy most-to-least prompting?

A fading procedure utilizing stronger, more intrusive prompts during initial instruction and progressing to less intrusive prompts over time to enable success and independence. In other words, it involves the gradual reduction of the strength or intensity of a certain prompt until the skill occurs independently without assistance. Duration of the fading procedure will depend on the learner and difficulty of the task. It is used in errorless learning and can be implemented for both response prompts and stimulus prompts.

What are time delay procedures?

Time delay is a fading procedure involving the increase of elapsed time between the presentation of the SD and the delivery of a prompt. It is this increased pause between the instruction and the prompt which allows stimulus control to gradually transfer from the prompt to the SD. Time delay procedures are used to fade response prompts!

For what type of prompts are time delay procedures used?

Response prompts.

What are the 2 main types of prompt delay?

1) Constant time delay (time frame doesn't change before we offer the prompt)
2) Progressive time delay (gradually increasing the delay over periods of time so that the individual has longer and longer periods of time between the instruction and the prompt)

What is constant time delay?

A fading procedure where the prompts are delivered after a fixed interval of time after delivery of the SD.

What is progressive time delay?

A fading procedure where the interval between the SD and prompt gradually increases over successive trials.

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