Behavior Management: Behavior Reduction and Functional Behavior Assessments - Behavior Reduction: Intervention Packages

9 important questions on Behavior Management: Behavior Reduction and Functional Behavior Assessments - Behavior Reduction: Intervention Packages

What are some Behavior Reduction Intervention Practices?

1) Differential Reinforcement of Alternative Behaviors (DRA)
2) Differential Reinforcement of Incompatible Behaviors (DRI)
3) Differential Reinforcement of Other Behaviors (DRO)
4) Differential Reinforcement of Low/High Rate of Behaviors (DRL/DRH)
*Also review token economy systems, a specific supplemental strategy used in conjunction with Differential Reinforcement Procedures.

What is an Intervention Package?

A strategy that combines multiple intervention procedures to increase and/or decrease a behavior. Problematic or challenging behaviors are decreased while desired or alternative behaviors are increased.

What are 2 primary things an Intervention Package focuses on?

1) It eliminates or minimizes the reinforcement maintaining the problem behavior
2) It provides reinforcement for engaging in an alternative behavior
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What is Differential Reinforcement of Alternative Behavior (DRA)?

Involves the delivery of reinforcement for an alternative behavior while withholding reinforcement for the problem behavior.
- appropriate functional alternative behaviors are reinforced
- problem behaviors are extinguished
- can be used for any function of behavior
- alternative behavior should be functionally equivalent to the problem behavior   

What are two common variations to DRA procedures?

1) Functional Communication Training (FCT): DRA involving involving a communicative response as the alternative behavior.
2) Differential Reinforcement of Incompatible Behavior (DRI): DRA involving reinforcement of an incompatible behavior. The delivery of reinforcement for an incompatible behavior while withholding reinforcement for the problem behavior. Individual is reinforced for engaging in a response that makes it physically impossible to perform the problem behavior. Incompatible response based on the topography of the problem behavior.

What are 2 ways to respond when a problem behavior occurs within a DRO interval?

1) Resetting DRO: The time interval immediately restarts upon occurrence of the problem behavior.
2) Non-resetting DRO: The time interval continues, and at the end of the time period, the interval restarts.

What is Differential Reinforcement of Low Rate Behavior (DRL)?

The delivery of reinforcement contingent on the behavior occurring at a reduced rate during a specific time period. Target is to reduce the frequency of the behavior. Behavior must occur at or below a specified rate during interval to deliver reinforcement.

What is Differential Reinforcement of High Rate Behavior (DRH)?

The delivery of reinforcement contingent on the behavior occurring at a higher rate during a specific time period. Typically used to increase a desired alternative behavior. Reinforcement is given if the behavior occurs at or above a specified criterion.

What is a token economy?

A system of reinforcement involving the earning of tokens contingent on a target behavior that can be exchanged for a larger reinforcer at a later time. The individual receives tokens for engaging in a desired behavior. Tokens are cashed in for a reinforcer once a certain amount is acquired. It teaches the concept of delayed gratification. It helps teach waiting skills. It is helpful in generalizing skills to natural environment. Desired reinforcers may not always be available or practical to deliver in certain settings.

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