The Discrete Trial - The Antecedent - The Discrete Trial - The Consequence

10 important questions on The Discrete Trial - The Antecedent - The Discrete Trial - The Consequence

When does behavior change?

Behaviors change when certain outcomes are contingent on the occurrence of that behavior.

Apart from defining reinforcement as an event which follows the occurrence of a behavior and increases the future likelihood of that behavior, what is another way of defining reinforcement?

You can also define reinforcement according to its origin, or how it became reinforcing. This refers to primary and secondary reinforcers.

What is primary reinforcement?

Primary reinforcement consists of items which are naturally reinforcing to the individual, this requires no learning.
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What factors influence reinforcement?

1) The learner's current MO
2) The difficulty/amount of the task versus the amount of reinforcement
3) The availability of that reinforcement at other times

What does research show about self-report in relation to reinforcers?

Research has shown that self-report is not always a reliable indicator of what actually is an effective reinforcer for individuals with developmental disabilities.

What are 3 direct preference assessment techniques which are often used in ABA?

1) Forced/Paired choice assessment: Repeatedly offer two choices to identify what the individual selects first and/or most frequently. If the individual does not select either of the items, offer the individual different choices.
2) Multiple stimulus preference assessment: Offer an array of choices (3 or more), identify what item the individual selects first, second, and so on. Can be done in isolation or multiple times.
3) Observe down time: Observe what the learner engages in most frequently when given free time. Typically identifies which items, activities, or locations are motivating to the learner.

Why is it important to establish secondary reinforcers and not solely rely on primary reinforcers?

Some may initially only be motivated by primary reinforcers but it is important to establish other reinforcers in order to avoid satiation as well as enable fading of the primary reinforcers.

How can instructors promote fading from primary reinforcers to secondary reinforcers?

By always pairing primary reinforcers with secondary reinforcers.

What is error correction?

Error correction is a procedure following an incorrect or a non-response which assists the learner in providing a correct response in the presence of that particular SD/MO. It therefore decreases errors in the future.

Believe this is incorrect, ask kayla, and should be informational no and no no prompt repeat. What are the two main parts error correction typically consists of?

1) Prompt: An additional stimulus added to the SD/MO in order to assist the learner in providing an appropriate response. (double check)!!
2)  Informational no: A neutral consequence given to the learner in order to indicate that the response was incorrect.

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