Treatment Approaches
8 important questions on Treatment Approaches
What are 4 mental disorder treatment approaches?
2. Behaviour Therapy
3. Cognitive and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
4. Humanistic-Experiential Therapy
How has psychodynamic therapy changed since Freud?
- Face-to-face interaction instead of ‘couch’ setup
- Active conversation instead of interpretation of ‘free associations’
What are the 2 cognitive & cognitive-behavioural therapy therapies?
2. Beck's Cognitive Therapy
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What are the 3 humanistic-experiental therapies?
2. Gestalt Therapy
3. Process-Experiental Therapy
What are the 3 core conditions of Client-Centered Therapy?
--> Be authentic!
2. The therapist provides the client with unconditional positive regard
---> Accept your client as s/he is!
3. The therapist shows empathetic understanding to the client
---> Be empathic!
What is the uniformity myth of treatment?
- None of them has proved to be consistently superior
- People with different disorders may respond differently to various forms of therapy
- Conclusions and techniques are often compatible
- Biopsychosocial theories (diathesis-stress)
- Combining treatment techniques from different models (= Rapprochement movement)
What are common strategies of effective therapists?
- Give feedback to clients!
- Help clients focusing on their own thoughts and behaviour!
- Pay attention to the client-therapist interaction!
- Maintain the appropriate boundaries at all times! Avoid boundaries violations!
What statistic demonstrates that treatment is effective?
(slide 2, p. 11 lecture notes)
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