Artikel Steinberg & Silk. Parenting adolescents
3 important questions on Artikel Steinberg & Silk. Parenting adolescents
What are three sets of interrelated developments that combine to perturb the equilibrium established in most families by end of middle childhood?
2. Changes in the child's social context in adolescence.
3. Developmental changes associated with the parent's experience of midlife.
What are four normal developmental changes of adolescents that often perturb the family system in a way that challenge parents and teens to renegotiate their relationships?
2. Cognitive changes: in decision-making practices, understanding the subjectivity of conventions and moral standards.
3. Self-definitional changes: as autonomous individuals.
4. Social change: oriented towards same-gender and opposite-gender peers.
What are three normal developmental changes in the child's social context in adolescence?
2. Increased expectations for autonomy in school
3. Increased exposure to self-selected mass media
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