C2: Pubertal Development
22 important questions on C2: Pubertal Development
What are five areas of change in pubertal development?
2. Skeletal growth.
3. Body composition and distribution of fat and muscle.
4. Maturation of reproductive organs, secondary sex characteristics.
5. Circulatory and respiratory systems.
What are two major feedback systems associated with puberty?
The earliest hormonal changes of adolescence occur through the HPA-axis. What happens?
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What happens through the HPG-axis in puberty?
* Males: --> testes release testosterone --> production sperm cells, change in muscle tissue, broadening of shoulders, enlargement of genitalia, pubic, facial and ancillary hair, skin changes and acne, voice breaks.
* Females: --> ovaries release estrogen --> production egg cells, changes in breast development, broadening of hips, enlargement of uterus and ovaries, menstruation.
What is a main function of estrogen in pubertal development?
What are two genetic factors influencing puberty?
2. Family tendencies.
What are three context factors that influence puberty?
2. Father absence before puberty (coupled with stressful homes).
3. The secular trend.
What are three methods for measuring pubertal development?
2. Self report
3. Global visual inspection by researcher of clothed adolescent.
What five areas taps the Pubertal Development Questionnaire?
2. Skin changes
3. Body hair.
F4. Breast development.
F5. Menstruation.
M4. Deepening of voice.
M5. Hair on face.
What is an methodological issue in studying puberty?
What is the stressful change hypothesis?
What is the off-time hypothesis?
2. Early maturing girls and late maturing boys are at risk.
What is the maturation disparity hypothesis/early timing hypothesis?
What is the hormonal influence hypothesis?
What is the amplification hypothesis?
What is the maturation compression hypothesis?
With what is behavioral and emotional changes is pubertal status linked?
What are two factors contributing to an increased vulnerability to sleep problems and sleep deprivation in puberty?
2. Social shifts.
What is the 'starting the engines without a skilled driver' hypothesis?
What does the 'starting the engines without a skilled driver hypothesis' predicts?
What are two important processes in brain maturation in adolescence?
2. Myelination
What is the conclusion of the study of Luna et al. of voluntary response inhibition/suppression?
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