Proteins - Protein denaturation, protein stability
15 important questions on Proteins - Protein denaturation, protein stability
What happens with protein interactions upon heating?
Then you have the stabilizing forces, the energy in the system(∆H).
∆G (unfolding) = ∆H-T∆S
When ∆H > T∆S there is no unfolding
When T∆S < ∆H you do get unfolding
What happens to a protein after heating?
- It can go back to the native state
- Or it goes back to an unnative state (denatured)
What happens with proteins during spray drying?
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What is the effect of pH on proteins?
- Gives reversible unfolding.
- Proteins are more stalbe at ther IEP
- extreem pH lead to unfolding
What happens to the protein at a very alkaline pH?
- hydrolysis of peptide bonds
- deamidation of Asn and Gln
- S-S reshuffling
- destruction of SH
Because of this there is more unfolding at high ph then at low ph
Why is a protein most stable at the IEP?
If you go far away form the IEP you will have mostly negative or positive charge that repels each other and denatures your protein.
What is the effect of unfolding of detergents?
This already happens at 3-8 mN.
What is the effect of organic solvents on protein unfolding?
- They weaken the hydrophobic interactions
- Enhance the formation of peptid H-bonds (therefore increases the strength of the secondary structure)
- Enhance electrostatic interactions: attraction/repulsion.
However if the concentration becomes to high denaturation occurs.
What is the effect or organic solutes (sugars) on protein unfolding?
- Solutes formation of H-bonds whit water molecules
- This results in 'destructuring' of water
- This results in solubilisation of hydrophobic AA residues
- This results in unfolding
What is the effect of an unfolded protein?
- loss of enzyme activity (for proteins that have an enzyme function)
- Increased exposure of sulfhydryl groups (free cysteines)
- Loss of solubility
How does intrinsic fluorescence work?
Tryptophan is one of them. This is mainly present in the hydrophobic core of the protein. Tryptophan gets less fluorescent when it is in a hydrophilic environment compared to a hydrophobic environment.
This makes that you have more fluorescent absorbance in a native protein compared to a unfolded protein.
How will the presence of phenolic compounds (for instance as impurities during protein extraction) affect the fluorescence spectra?
Why is the chance of a protien folding back into its exact native state close to 0, but the energy state of the native state lower then the unfolded state?
What methods to determine protein unfolding can be used to calculate the thermodynamic parameters?
This information can be used to calculate the:
- Free energy (∆G unf)
- van 't Hoff enthalpy (∆H unf)
- Activation energy of unfolding (∆E a,unf)
What is determined by ∆G(unf) and what by ∆E(a, unf)?
∆E(a, unf): determines how much energy is needed to start this process.
So in the picture indicates that a low concentration of urea makes that the proteins take more time to unfold at a certain temperature compared to high concentrations.
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