GI tract microbes

25 important questions on GI tract microbes

What are the five modes of action of probiotics?

  1. acid production
  2. production of bacteriocins
  3. competition for substrates
  4. competition for adhesion sites
  5. immunomodulation

How does the acid production of probiotics have an influence?

It has a influence if there are a lot of bacteria and a lot of substrate. because the pH has to be lower quite a bit in order to kill bacteria.
It would be more logical if the bacteria are stopped by a bit lowering of the pH

How does the production of bacteriocins have an influence on the on the intestinal microflora?

They can by colonising, killing or singaling but there is no prove.
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How does probiotics influence the immune system?

Probiotics trigger reactions in the immune system. This is probably why they have an effect on people there health.
However if it really makes people healthier is not known. However for some diseases it is proven that it works.

How does probiotics work with competition for adhesion site?

If there are probiotics on the cell wall of your intestine the pathogens can not attach and you can not get sick.
However this can not be proven because you can not put a camera in the intestine.

What are the most probable reasons that probiotics work?

Competition of adhesion site and imune system reactions that are triggered.

To what do probiotics work?

  • diarrhoea
    - traveller’s diarrhoea
    - antibiotic associated diarrhoea
  • food-associated diarrhoea
  • obstipation
  • Candida
  • lactose intolerance
  • IBS
  • ulcerative colitis
  • acne
  • obesitas
  • cancer …

How does a probiotic influance diarrhoea?

A certain probiotic might work for one pathogen but not for an other pahtogen.
And a certain pathogen might mork for one probiotic but not for the other. 

So a product with multiple strains of probiotics has more effect. However this is never tested.

Why does clostridum form a risk for pations who get a lot of antibiotics?

The bacteria will be killed and clostridum will be able to grow beter because of less competition. When you stop with the antibiotics they will still be there and you get bloody dearea.

Because it forms a lot of spores it is very dangerous in hospitals. Because here you have sick people who get a lot of antibiotics.

What can you do to get rit of the clostridium in the intestine?

You add bacteria that will compete with the clostridium in order to get the old micro flora back.

What can candida do in the intestinece?

It is a yeast and when it does not get enough to eat it will become a fungus that starts looking for food. This it finds in the form of glucose in the blood. So it grows in between the intestince. This leads to a very big reaction from the imunesystem which leads to the patient being tired and having a higher change of alergic reactions.

How can you treat candida in the intestice?

Give a lot of probiotics for a very long time.

What makes that many probiotics do not work?

They can not survive the combination of low pH in the stomach and the stress the bile butes on them.

Why have many probiotics no claim?

Because people can not be made sick in order to prove them.
However this is needed to  prove the claims.

Is a probitic strian or species dependent?

STRAIN. verry specific.

What is the bifiogenic factor, non-digestible ologosaccharides and microbiota-accessible carbohydrates?

Bifidogenic factor :
Any component stimulating the growth of bifidobacteria
Prebiotics are not always bifidogenic
Bifidogenic factors are not always prebiotics

Non-digestible oligosaccharides (NDOs):
Short-chain carbohydrates that are not digested in the small intestine and enter the large intestine unaltered
NDOs are not necessarily bifidogenic or prebiotics

Microbiota-accessible carbohydrates (MAC’s)
Any fermentable carbohydrate in the large intestine

What are the claimes of prebiotics?

  • Relief of constipation
  • Reduce intestinal pH
  • Restore intestinal bacterial balance
  • Reduce blood cholesterol level
  • Increase mineral absorption
  • Reduce cancer risk
  • Immune stimulation

What are the side effects of prebiotics?

Farting and craps and diarrhea.

Becasue lots of people are intollerant it is hard to put enough in there to be effective but not to give people diarrhea.

What are the olysacharides only stimulation bifidobacteria?

Does not exist. Bifidobacteria do not produce gass and all olisacharides do.

All in all there are no oligosacharids that stimulate a certain kind of bacteria. This is because one bacteria produces a substrate for the other bacteria and the others will start to grow to.

Why do the people in france have a very low amoutn of befilobacteria before they eat probiotics and a very hight amount after eating prebiotics?

This is because they used the wrong medium.

Bifilobacteria will start to branch if they dont have enough food. The damaged bacteria were killed by the medium.

Becasue there was more substrate with the prebiotics there were less bacteria branched and the medium could not kill them. So now it seems you have more bifilobacteria even tough this is not true.

Can a prebiotic be a non carbohydrate.

According to the definition yes. (the enzyme lactase for lactoce intollerant people)

So they dont have to be

When do you have an oligosacharide intolerance?

If you ferment them very fast

He number of which bacterium, present in the large intestine, varies a lot between people?


What are two disadvantages of probiotics

  1. The positive effects are only temporarily.
  2. The number of food products is restricted because of the requirement to use living cells.

As a product developer, which two bacteria would you choose for your new probiotic product?

  • lactobacillus acodophilus
  • lactobacillus casei

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