Direction methods - Whole genome sequencing

9 important questions on Direction methods - Whole genome sequencing

What are the building blocks of DNA?

base pars:
  • Adenine
  • Thymine
  • Guanine
  • Cytosine

How do you get form genome to protein?

DNA --> RNA --> Protein

Why do we wand to do genome sequencing for food?

  1. Identify and characterize microorganisms in food.
  2. Improving beneficial phenotypes of food-related microorganisms, such as taste and structure.
  3. Finding the source of pathogen disease outbreaks.
  4. Target microorganisms with unfavorable phenotypes; pathogens.
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How does shot gun sequencing go?

  1. DNA is cut
  2. The pieces are multiplied by bacteria
  3. Computers can calculate the genome form all the small parts

Hard for unknown species

What is next generation sequencing?

Sequencing with a higher throughput. So everything is cheaper and faster.

What are the 4 steps of sequencing by synthesis technology by illumina?

  1. Sample preparation
  2. Cluster generation
  3. Sequencing
  4. Data analysis

What is the main idea of the illumina technology?

The DNA does not have to be build into bacteria but all replication the DNA can happen of a plate. This makes it cheaper and faster.

In this process the small DNA parts are read multiple times. The whole process goes faster.

Why did around 2007 whole genome sequencing became so much cheaper?

This is because next generation sequencing was introduced. These methods are faster and cause less time.

How can genome sequencing be used for food safety?

They wand to have data basis in which the genomes of the pathogens that caused outbreaks in the paste are stored.

When you have a new pathogen you can Whole Genome Sequence it an look in the data base if it was found previously. So you can characterize the strain and locate the source. 

In other words, you have a product with a pathogen and you can compare this pathogen to hospital cases and see if the same type of pathogen what present in the patient and the product.

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