Cell cycle II - mammalian cell cycle contol

8 important questions on Cell cycle II - mammalian cell cycle contol

What are the signals for cell cycle control in micro-organisms?

Nutrients, stress and pheromones

What are the signals for cell cycle control in metazoans?

Cell external factors (growth factors, steroids, extracellular matrix molecules, cell-cell contact and stress)
endogenous factors (cell size, transcription factor program)

What is the function of the cell cycle control in multicellular organisms?

Determinination and maintenance of size and shape of every tissue/organ
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What are the signals for cell cycle control in multicellular organisms?

Extracellular signals that emanate from neighbouring cells and endocrine systems.
Intracellular signals such as cell size, metabolic status, own stage within the differentiation cascade, cell fate determination program

What happens when cell cycle control is relinquished?

Cancer may ensue, uncontrolled cell division

What are post-mitotic cells?

Cells that are differentiated and will never reenter the cycle

What are quiescent cells?

Cells that are arrested in the G0 phase of the cycle
cells that withdraw from the cell-cycle during G1 and enter G0

What kind of factors are needed to overcome the restriction point?

Growth factors

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