The three R's of DNA metabolism - Telomeres

7 important questions on The three R's of DNA metabolism - Telomeres

Linear chromosomes cannot be replicated entirely using discontinuous DNA synthesis, why?

Because the RNA primer at the 5'-end of the lase Okazaki fragment will not be replaced by a DNA polymerase.
The lagging strand will therefore bear a single strand 3'-overhang that moves further into the chromosome with each replication

What are 6 characteristics of telomerase?

1. Reverse transcriptase
2. RNA dependent DNA polymerase
3. Replicates and elongated telomeres of chromosomes
4. Enzyme that carries internal RNA template
5. Only active in stem cells
6. Too high levels --> tumor formation --> cancer

What happens if the T-loop or telomeric repeats are not maintained?

Chromosome fusion cia non-homologous end joining repair
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What happens if telomerase is absent (after 40-60 cell cycles)?

Telomeres are eroded and become recombinogenic leading to chromosome fusion

How do dicentric chromosomes inhibit cell division?

Via anaphase bridge formation, mitotic catastrophes

When do breakage fusion cycles occur?

During cell division proper (mitosis)

What are the antagonistic effects of telomerase on longevity?

It affects the balance between aging and tumor suppression in mammals.

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