LE 4: Transcriptoinal control of gene expression III - Nuclear hormone receptors

4 important questions on LE 4: Transcriptoinal control of gene expression III - Nuclear hormone receptors

How does a type1 nuclear hormone receptor work? (5 steps)

1. Heat shock proteins keep receptor anchored
2. Hormone binds
3. Conformational change
4. Enters nucleus
5. Binds DNA as a dimer (to inverted repeat sequence)

What is the function of a type2 nuclear hormone receptor when there is no ligand present?

It represses transcription

How does a type2 nuclear hormone receptor work?

1. Ligand binds
2. Conforamtional change
3. Loss of interaction with HDAC and associated proteins
4. Recruitment of HAT-containing co-activators
5. Activation of transcription
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Where are inactive type2 nuclear hormone receptors located?

In the nucleus

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