Cell cycle II - Telophase

4 important questions on Cell cycle II - Telophase

Why is re-replication impossible?

Replication origins can only fire once per cell cycle

When and how are replication origins licensed?

Replication origins are licensed in G1
Licensing occurs via recruiting the MCM helicase complex to ORC via cdc6 and Cdt1 ( only possible when cdc6 and Cdt1 are not phosphorylated)

When and how are replication origins fired?

Replication origins are fired during S-phase
When an origin fires cdc6 and Cdt1 are phosphorylated by CDKs, they leave the origin resulting in not being able to target MCM helicases
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Which 4 steps occur as long as replication forks are active?

1. A kinase associated with replication forks (ATR) phosphorylated Chk1
2. Chk1 phosphorylates other proteins like the anaphase inhibitor Pds1 and Cdc25 phosphatase
3. This inhibits mitosis-specific pathways
4. The cell is maintained in S/G2

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