LE 2: Trancscriptional control of gene expression I - Eukaryotes

4 important questions on LE 2: Trancscriptional control of gene expression I - Eukaryotes

What kind of RNA is synthesized by which RNA Polymerase?

RNA Pol I: synthesizes pre-rRNA
RNA Pol II: synthesizes mRNA and small nuclear RNA (miRNA)
RNA Pol III: synsthesizes t-RNA

Give two characteristics of transcriptional control elements in eukaryotes

1. Different control regions can control transcription of the same gene in different cell types
2. Might be located close to promoter or several kilobases away

How does RNA Pol II work? (3 steps)

1. Movement of trigger loop catalyzes transcription
2. Bridge helix pulls DNA forward one nucleotide
3. Bridge helix moves back, also moving trigger loop back to original position
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What are two characteristics of the carboxylic-terminal domain (CTD)?

1. CTD-P present in puffs, active transcription
2. Associated with little transcription

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