Operations - The planning process

3 important questions on Operations - The planning process

Discribe the process of planning a (new) adventure

  1. Idea generating                         Purpose/idea/function/benefits
  2. Concept generating                  what possible is to do during the trip
  3. Screening/priliminary design   evaluation (employees) feasible acceptible /risk
  4. prototype testing                      changing --> final desingn?

Speaking about feasibility and acceptability who decides about this?

The management has to decide on issues like feasibility and acceptability. These issues have to do ih the difficulty of organising adventures and what kind of investment is needed an dhow much risk is acceptable. Group leaders and instructors have an important say about his as adventure experts.

What would be a reaso not to test a new activity?

- possible high costs
- the adventure is not completely new, the area is known
- the exploratory character of the activity, it wil get lost if the activity already been tested.

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