Marketing - Adventure marketing

4 important questions on Marketing - Adventure marketing

Lifestyle is an important segmentation tool (more important than age), why?

Because adventure tourism, depending on the activity can be aimed towards various age groups.
It's not like steriotype that elderly people only like bird watching and younger people like hard and fast activities, because elderly people may like these activities too, this is why adventure targetgroups can be unpredictable.

Two major issues are of importance to know about customers:

1. How much money they want to spend
2. How much time they can spend on a holiday.

The range of adventure activities is so high that there is an adventure possibility almost for every person. This implies that :

Describing a marketing for adventure tourism is rather difficult, because of it's complex nature if a company offers more types of activities. Because of this a wide range of marketing techniques are required.
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Lifestyle segmentation is more important in adeventure tourism than in other forms of tourism is this true or false?


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