Trial exam - Adventure tourism

20 important questions on Trial exam - Adventure tourism

Name the characteristics of adventure tourism

it's different because it all depends on the tourist's personal perspective of what is adventure for him. but most of all:

  1. Highly individual
  2. contains certain outcomes
  3. contains a certain level of risk

What did not stimulate popularity after the second world war?

Travelling to far away destinations was cheap in those days.

Which terms are related to adventure tourism?

  1. Adrenaline
  2. Challenge
  3. Excitement
  4. Activity
  5. Risks
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Climbing in an indoor hall is seen by most people as :

Less adventurous than climbing outdoor

If the amount of elderly people increases, especially in Europe, what does this mean for adventure operators?

This is a business opportunity

Generally speaking, the geographical supply of adventures is more or less evenly scarrtered over the whole world. What about adventure demand?

The demand is concentrated near populations in the developed part of the world

Flow is when there is a balance between skills and challenges, is this statement correct in relation to adventure tourism?


Name an example of a non-physical market

Gambling is a non -physical market

It is necessary to distinquish between the receiving areas (destination) and the generating areas (where the tourists come from) when dealing with the causes for seasonality. What is the most important factor concerning the receiving areas?

Climate (sneeuw is er niet het hele jaar door) and some activities depend on snow.

What is single peak seasonality?

This occurs when the seasonal patterns of demand (holidays) coincide with the seasonal attractiveness of a destination. F.E in the French riviera, when the tourist in july and august  vastly outnumber the tourists in any other month of the year.

What is the goal of individual post tour contact?

Having this client booking again through the same company or recommending the company to friends.

One can conclude that the more specialised an adventure is…

The smaller the market, and the more important the loyalty is

The amount of risk that is acceptable within one activity is often difficult to judge because?

  1. It depends on every participants personal background
  2. because it depends on every participants preparation
  3. and it depends on situational factors like weather changes

For many adventurers and companies the question about how much risk is acceptable is also a question of safety versus freedom, why is this?

Because a wish for safety limits one's freedom

When planning an adventure it is important to start with

A design

Why are political stability and economic progress important factors that stimulate adventure tourism possibilities?

  1. Less developed countries become wealthier.
  2. Political structures may also opstruct adventure tourism

This adventure tourism species popularity pyramid is arbitrary.
Fill in examples in the boxes, from top to bottom. and explain why it is arbitrary.

  • Whales  (less available / big attraction)
  • Elephants
  • Gorilla's
  • Hunting birds
  • Birds of prey
  • Plants and insects (lot's available / not much of an attraction)

The availability is arbitrary because it depends on the geographical location of each individual. If one lives in Polar surroundings, ice bears and whales may be visible quite often, since for people who do not live close to these animals’ normal habitat, the attraction is much larger.

It can be said that activities aimed towards extreme adventure are more price inelastic than activities for the mass. Explain why:

This means that a price change of an extreme adventure activity will have less consequences that a price change of activities that are less extreme. This is because extreme adventures are aimed towards people who see adventure as an integral part of their lives (see also Paragraph 1.3). Price increases have a larger impact on the mass, who can more easily change their minds about the activities to perform. For expert adventurers it may feel like “a must” to perform (extreme) adventure activities, and changes in price will not affect their level of participation.

There are 4 important factors for adventure operators when using social media networks. Mention them and explain them shortly. (4 points)

  1. Determine the content and the motivation for using social media which social media matches your target
  2. Respond to the needs of the social media users
  3. create emotional commitment with the social media user
  4. Users share if they feel they are treated as equals and if they can participate

When should the decision making model VOTING be used ?

used by unimportant decisions that need to be made quickly!When F.E a group of hikers must decide what kind of meal they would like: pasta or rice after a long day when they are cold and tired.

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